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XCORTECH X3500 Chronograph

$736 HKD

  • Rotated for  operation
  • Folding display unit
  • Removable display unit, the display unit can be mounted on BB gun tactical rail
  • Wireless communication for both unit
  • Large caliber for 38mm, suitable for different BB spec .45mm, 6mm, 9mm, 18mm


1) Velocity rest range :

  • Initial velocity measure range : 30.00 - 400.0 ( m/s )
  • ROF measure range : 100-5000 ( RPM )

2) Display unit :

  • Battery : 2 x AAA batteries
  • Dimension : L x W x H = 84.5 x 59 x 31 mm
  • Weight : 72g

3) Chrono unit :

  • Camera tripod mount
  • Tube diameter : 38mm
  • Battery : 2 x AAA batteries
  • External power input : Micro USB ( 5V/0.5A ) #No charge batteries function only power for chrono
  • Dimension : L x W x H = 108 x 87 x 66 mm
  • Weight : 200g
  • Such as the use of gas or CO2 gun will produce smoke, suggest for bb gun for a distance of more than 10cm in order to avaid interference smoke

제품 품질 기준

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