Strike Industries Enhanced Pistol Grip 15 Angle for AR / M4 GBB Rifle
Strike Industries Enhanced Pistol Grip 15 Angle for AR / M4 GBB Rifle 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
The Strike Industries Enhanced Pistol Grip lineup comes in three different angles to suit any shooter’s needs. Now available with an improved grip texture for more positive handling of the rifle. The grip is more streamlined and tapered where the webbing of the hand goes to allow more range of movement of the firing hand when accessing the controls. It has enough width in the palm area to maximize comfort during extended use. Each grip features a comfortable beaver tail and secure storage underneath with an included rubber endcap.
The 25-degree grip has an aggressive angle similar to the traditional A2 grip. It’s meant for the traditional rifleman grip where the shooter would stand bladed and the shooting elbow is canted outwards.
Compatible with Airsoft GBB Type / AR-15 and AR-10 receiver styles.
Features:- Streamlined profile
- Aggressive texture
- Its a variety of hand sizes
- Meets a variety of needs with the 3 angles available.
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