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PTS  |  SKU: PTS-PT222450807

PTS Enhanced Pistol Shockplate Gen 2 (3 PACK) for MARUI G Series

$135 HKD

The PTS Enhanced Pistol Shockplate Gen 2 is an upgraded shock protection basepad designed to fit Tokyo Marui type G series magazines. They are also fully compatible with PTS SideArm Magazines (SAM).

The Pistol Shockplate Gen 2 is expertly constructed using PTS's signature polymer material coupled with hard rubber that has been specially selected for its outstanding durability, resilience, and shock absorption properties. The angle and shape of the basepad are meticulously engineered to estimate the direction the magazine will fall when vertically dropped, thus minimizing the risk of damage upon impact with the ground. The Shockplate is securely screwed at the bottom of the magazine and features a dot matrix on the base plate allows the user to mark the magazine with alphanumeric characters or pictograms for individualization and identification.

Each package of the PTS Enhanced Pistol Shockplate Gen 2 includes a set of three pads, allowing you to equip multiple magazines or provide replacements as needed.


  • Color Options: Black
  • Material: Enhanced Polymer + Hard Rubber
  • Dimensions: 40x28x11 mm (w/o packaging)
  • Weight: 7g
  • Compatibility: PTS SideArm Magazine G Style / Tokyo Marui Style G series ( GBB )

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