PTS EPG M4 Grip for M4 / M16 GBB Rifle ( Black )
$150 HKD
PTS EPG M4 Grip for M4 / M16 GBB Rifle ( Black ) 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
The PTS® Enhanced Polymer Grip (EPG) is a simple yet highly functional polymer pistol grip for the M4/M16 platform. It features an ergonomically designed shape and is a fully ambidextrous design at a conventional grip angle. The beavertail extension naturally encourages a high hand hold under the receiver for maximum recoil control while maintaining comfort. The EPG's distinctive texturing is optimized for strong and suitable grip under even adverse conditions.
Disclaimer: This product is for airsoft, training and stimulation only. Please be aware that this product is not compatible with real firearms. Users should be alert that airsoft products are potentially dangerous which can cause serious injury and even death. If user misused this product, PTS will not take any responsibility accordingly.
The PTS® Enhanced Polymer Grip (EPG) is a simple yet highly functional polymer pistol grip for the M4/M16 platform. It features an ergonomically designed shape and is a fully ambidextrous design at a conventional grip angle. The beavertail extension naturally encourages a high hand hold under the receiver for maximum recoil control while maintaining comfort. The EPG's distinctive texturing is optimized for strong and suitable grip under even adverse conditions.
- Conventional M4 grip angle but with improved ergonomics.
- Aggressive 360° texturing to increase surface traction but strategically panelled with comfort in mind.
- Base cap at the bottom of the grip allows internal grip access for general storage (GBB Rifle version only). Pistol grip storage
- Compartment will accept CR123 batteries, tools, spare parts etc.
- Available for both AEGs as well as Airsoft Gas Blowback Rifles.
Disclaimer: This product is for airsoft, training and stimulation only. Please be aware that this product is not compatible with real firearms. Users should be alert that airsoft products are potentially dangerous which can cause serious injury and even death. If user misused this product, PTS will not take any responsibility accordingly.
- Color – Black / Dark Earth
- Material – Dupont™ Zytel High Performance Reinforced Polymer
- Dimension – 76 x 32 x 108 mm (without packaging)
- Weight – 82g (AEG&GBB)
- GBB Version can compact to Tokyo Marui / WA / G&P/ KWA / KSC / VIPER / GHK / VFC
- AEG Version can compact to Tokyo Marui / G&P / VFC / WE / PTS RM4 ERG / GBLS DAS GDR15
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