PROMETHEUS Additives for PRO GRESS Gear Grease
$62 HKD
PROMETHEUS Additives for PRO GRESS Gear Grease 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
- 2 Types of Additives for creating mixtures with PRO GRESS Gear Grease
Oil Additive
- Mix with Gear Grease for lowering viscosity.
- Mixture suitable for High Speed Moving Parts ( Piston Rail / Pistol Slide Rail / Metal Bushings )
- Usage: Mix Oil ( Approx. 3-5% Volume ) with Gear Grease, Greater amount of oil forms lower viscosity mixture.
- NOTE: High amount of oil may cause mixture last shorter.
Powder Additive
- Flatten tiny hole on metal surface for lowering friction
- Mixture with Gear Grease suitable for High Speed, High Wearing Moving Parts ( Tappet Plate / Polished Gearbox Inner Surface )
- Usage:
Mix Powder ( Approx. 3-5% Volume ) with Gear Grease for Normal Use
Mix Powder ( Approx. 6-10% Volume ) with Gear Grease for Gear Run-In, wipe mixture with Gear Grease when Finish ( Minor remain is tolerable )
Oil Additive
- Mix with Gear Grease for lowering viscosity.
- Mixture suitable for High Speed Moving Parts ( Piston Rail / Pistol Slide Rail / Metal Bushings )
- Usage: Mix Oil ( Approx. 3-5% Volume ) with Gear Grease, Greater amount of oil forms lower viscosity mixture.
- NOTE: High amount of oil may cause mixture last shorter.
Powder Additive
- Flatten tiny hole on metal surface for lowering friction
- Mixture with Gear Grease suitable for High Speed, High Wearing Moving Parts ( Tappet Plate / Polished Gearbox Inner Surface )
- Usage:
Mix Powder ( Approx. 3-5% Volume ) with Gear Grease for Normal Use
Mix Powder ( Approx. 6-10% Volume ) with Gear Grease for Gear Run-In, wipe mixture with Gear Grease when Finish ( Minor remain is tolerable )
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