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HAO  |  SKU: HAO-P37

HAO 416 Style BCG Steel Bolt Carrier for MWS GBB Airsoft ( P37 )

$675 HKD

  • HAO's Marui MWS BCG-steel ver is made from the carbon steel with electro-deposition finishing.
  • It comes with the bearing and standard alloy made bolt end.
  • **The upgraded guide wheel version bolt end need to be purchase separately, see link**
  • If you need the nozzle set. please see link
  • HAO also added the developed BCG enhanced sticker. Which makes the problem of jamming caused by worn off BCG polymer cap disappear.
  • Once the cap wears off, it loses the support between the BCG and the receiver. It will cause the BCG lift up during the travel through the magazine BBs feed and jam.
  • The sticker helps support and also smoother the travel ! Make your MWS more durable !

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