GATE NanoHARD Multifunction AEG MOSFET
GATE NanoHARD Multifunction AEG MOSFET 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
NanoHARD is multifunction programmable AEG Controller. It has 8 functions:
‰ۡó¢ ON/OFF Active Brake
This is the first controller that provides you with possibility to turn off Active Brake. You can enable or disable the Active Brake at any time.
‰ۡó¢ Battery protection
Protection against Over-Discharge of Battery. Modern LiPoly batteries are very sensitive to over-discharge. If you do not want to damage the battery and you care about its service life, this protection is indispensable. Microprocessor will constantly watch over the battery voltage. When it drops down to critical value, it will not permit to make a shoot. It supports: Li-Po 7.4V / 11.1V / 14.8V. You can also disable the protection and use other batteries.
Smart fuse
The new AEG Controller will never let you down on the battlefield. It is the best electronic fuse that has ever been made. This is the first AEG Controller with true current sensor. Combination of current, voltage and temperature measurements provides your AEG installation with the highest reliability. If your rifle becomes jammed, it protects motor and battery against any damage. There is no way to destroy the Controller by overheating, overload or short-circuits of the electrical system.
Build-In Self-Test
It allows you to quickly check whether the AEG Controller works properly. If you have problems with your AEG, the BUILT-IN SELF-TEST allows you to easily exclude that the problem is caused by the controller.
3rd Gen MOSFET
14.8V Li-Po Ready
제품 품질 기준
제품 품질 기준
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