GATE MERF 3.2 Burst Advanced MOSFET Unit
$409 HKD
GATE MERF 3.2 Burst Advanced MOSFET Unit 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
- Suitable for most AEGs and replace mechanical trigger switch
- MOSFET-equipped circuit for higher efficiency and faster trigger response ( in enhanced mode ) , also eliminates power loss and electric arc damage from mechanical switch.
- Active Braking ( enhanced mode only ) stops the motor as soon as the switch is released, prevents spring compression or extra shots after the shot in semi-auto mode.
- Smart Trigger allows ROF ( rate of fire ) control from 30% to 100%, while the first shot in full-auto or burst is always 100% ROF for the fast trigger response.
- 3-Round Burst Firing Mode, allows standard SAFE/SEMI/AUTO shooting modes to be converted into SAFE/SEMI/BURST ( simple & enhanced mode ) or SAFE/BURST/AUTO ( enhanced mode ).
- Trigger can be released early in Burst mode to do shorter bursts.
- Protection for Li-Po / Li-ion / Li-Fe / NiCd Battery Packs.
- Short circuit and over temperature protection.
- Electronic resettable fuse, self-reset after the trigger is released for the ease of use.
- Configuration can be done with included programming button or AEG trigger switch depending on operating mode.
- Settings are stored in non-volatile memory, the system remembers the settings after disconnecting the battery.
- Compatible with most AEG motors and battery packs from 7.2V to 12V.
- Simple mode installation does not require modifications, installation is done by connecting MOSFET Unit between AEG and battery pack, configuration can be done using included button.
- Enhanced mode installation requires wiring work, benefits from all features of the MOSFET Unit, configuration can be done by using host AEG trigger switch.
- Dimensions: Approx. 70 x 20 x 10 mm
- Maximum continuous current: 35A ( 50A for 3 min )
- Stand-by current: 0.15mA
- Resistance 2.4 mOhm
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