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UNICORN  |  貨號: UC-IB-G&G-G-189

UNICORN GBB 6.03 Nitroflon Coated Brass GBB Inner Barrel for G&G MGCR 556 ( 189mm - 316mm )

$298 HKD

Length: 7Inch

Improve your accuracy with the UNICORN GBB 6.03 Nitroflon Coated brass GBB Inner Barrel. This barrel, designed specifically for the G&G MGCR 556, features a 60 degree hop up and a range of 189mm to 316mm, allowing for precise shots at a longer distance. Its Nitroflon coating ensures durability and consistent performance.

  • only for G&G MGCR 556 7" / 10" / 12"




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