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WOSPORT Synchronized Trainer Set

$1,866 HKD

  • Bluetooth Commotion APP Control
    Turn on bluetooth and control various functions of the training target through the APP
  • 32 Targets for Interconnected Control
    The targets are connected by bluetooth and the APP can control up to 32 training targets
  • 10 Meters Connection Distance
    The distance between each target can be 10 meters
  • Lighting Mode Fearless of Darkness
    The target can control the light freely
  • Two shooting Modes
    The target can be freely adjusted in standard mode or random mode
  • Bluetooth Speed Measurement Combination
    Bluetooth chronograph + tracer in one, the screen will display the shooting spped and BBS left when shooting
  • High-Efficiency Flash Saturated Charging
    The tracer is equipped with a high-power flash

Package includes : 3 x Trainer-training target, Tracer, Bluetooth monitor

제품 품질 기준

에어소프트 업계에서는 제품이 100% 완벽할 수는 없고, 완벽하다는 것은 비현실적입니다. 제품의 기능이나 성능, 전체적인 외관에 영향을 미치지 않는 한, 제품 구성 요소의 미세한 흔들림, 떨림 또는 움직임, 미세한 긁힘, 찌그러짐 또는 변색도 표준 품질의 일부로 간주됩니다.

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