T-N.T. APS-X T-HOP Bucking for VFC M4 GBBR ( 2 Pieces Set )
T-N.T. APS-X T-HOP Bucking for VFC M4 GBBR ( 2 Pieces Set ) - VFC-M4 GBB / 50° 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
T-N.T. developed the world's first - "curved design" Located Directional Rubber, by the vast number of consumers with the support and love, in view of this, we have developed another high-end modified HOP-UP System : T-HOP Bucking!!
"T-HOP Bucking" is based on T-N.T. patented product "Located Directional Rubber", after many improvements and tests, T-HOP not only retains the original Located / Directional function, but also special the curved HOP design can make the BB projectile more efficient and stable rotating force, effectively improve the ballistic stability and achieve a more extended effective range.
This product is also T-N.T.'s patented product, not only follow the advantages of the original Located & Directional function, but also to "curved surface" covering the BB, increase the friction zone to produce more efficient spin on.
T-HOP are all conventional specifications, simple and convenient assembly, adjustment and replacement is T-N.T. consistent style. Stand in the player's position considered a variety of thoughtful design, is to allow you to spend less time to have excellent performance, with more time to enjoy more fun.
T-HOP combines the following advantages:
- Located
- Directional
- Curve surface coverage & efficient friction
- General specifications (easy and convenient assembly and replacement)
- More DIY space.
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