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XCORTECH X3300W MK2 UV Counter ( Black )

$838 HKD

Xcortech all New Advanced Design and Innovation for BB Tracer unit.
Brightest: Compare traditional tracer unit use all new technology with high Power UV LED.
Low power consumption: High efficiency design batteries last up to 120,000 RPS.
Intelligent: Build in 3D motion sensor to detect user moving to save power.

Product Features

  • Brightest UV Tracer BB
  • Batteries last up to 120,000 rounds    **test by Eneloop battery
  • Can sustain tracer function up to 35 RPS (2100 RPM)
  • High power and High efficiency UV LED
  • Two side light sources to grow BB in the dark  
  • Four grow lighting level setting
  • Build in 3D motion sensor to detect user motion for power saving
  • Power saving/ standby mode/ 3D motion sensor detect mode
  • Automatic power on/ off (APO)
  • Battery level indicator (Green, Orange, Red color)
  • Low power detector: Automatic low power off to protect rechargeable batteries
  • Uses 4x AAA batteries (Not included)
  • For green grow in dark BB only

Color: Black
Diameter: 37mm
Length: 156mm
Threads: 14mm CCW
Material: Aluminum
Batteries: 4x AAA's Alkaline or Eneloop (Not included)

Package includes : UV Tracer & Counter

제품 품질 기준

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