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BPW  |  SKU: BPW-MXP-003

BPW Steel Mag Release for APFG MCX / Spear LT GBB Airsoft

$237 HKD


  • Material : Steel ( MIM )
  • Weight : 15g
  • For airsoft use only

제품 품질 기준

에어소프트 업계에서는 제품이 100% 완벽할 수는 없고, 완벽하다는 것은 비현실적입니다. 제품의 기능이나 성능, 전체적인 외관에 영향을 미치지 않는 한, 제품 구성 요소의 미세한 흔들림, 떨림 또는 움직임, 미세한 긁힘, 찌그러짐 또는 변색도 표준 품질의 일부로 간주됩니다.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
A steel counter part of the APFG alloy one

It is exact same profile as APFG alloy mag release. I installed and I confirm it is working as expected. It will last much longer for sure. Be careful about installation as you will have to take out the bolt release first. Make sure you punch out the pin in a correct way.

Fixed APFG MPX mags falling out

The mags for my MPX kept falling out after firing even when they’re seated correctly. Spent a bit of money on this and it fixed my issue.