PUFF DINO Camouflage Paint ( forest Green )
PUFF DINO Camouflage Paint ( forest Green ) 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
Volume : 220 ml
Ingredient : Fine grinding pigment, resin, solvent, propellant
With unique formula which is great on most metal and wood surfaces as a top or final coat. Provides excellent adhesion and coverage, and leaves a perfect finish. Quick dry and easy to apply. Ideal for firearms, airsoft guns, rifles, wood, walls, metal models and many more.
- Flat and natural colors.
- Fast drying.
- High quality and ultra-thin finish.
- Anti-corrosion.
How to use?
- Sandpaper the material surface before painting to enhance adhesion.
- Dig a rag in acetone or PUFF DINO clean cleaning naphtha and wipe down the material thoroughly. Ensure surface is clean and no greasy residuum.
- Use the masking tape to block off the parts you don't want to get paint on.
- Shake well before use to make the pigment is dispersed evenly in the can.
- If the material is uncertain can be painted or not, please test on an inconspicuous part.
- Spraying distance is about 10-15 cm away from objects. Apply the paint as smoothly as possible. About every10 minutes between two coats. Several thin coats are recommended rather than one heavy coat.
- Remove the masking tape and paint ragged edges if needed.
- After use, please take the can upside down and spray a little paint out for avoiding a obstruction of nozzle.
This item for Hong Kong customers only.
Color swatch image for illustration purpose only, result of color and finish may vary due to multiple factors such as humidity and preperation.
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