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AMOMAX Molle Attachment

$55 HKD


Versatility & Efficiency

  • Amomax MOLLE attachment is an optional carrying style in tactical situation and airsoft events. This versatile one can be mounted tightly on any MOLLE system, such as body armor, vests, bags and more.
  • Only one screw needed for replacement, which can saving more preparing time before each mission.

Holster Accessories Fit Chart

Product Name Specifications Item# Usage
Paddle Black AM-P001 Compatible with all Amomax Holsters, Single or Double Magazine Pouch
Paddle FDE Color AM-P001F Compatible with all Amomax Holsters, Single or Double Magazine Pouch
Belt Clip Black AM-BC2 Compatible with all Amomax Holsters, Single or Double Magazine Pouch
Belt Clip FDE Color AM-BC2F Compatible with all Amomax Holsters, Single or Double Magazine Pouch
MOLLE Attachment Black AM-MA Compatible with all Amomax Holsters, Single or Double Magazine Pouch
MOLLE Attachment FDE Color AM-MAF Compatible with all Amomax Holsters, Single or Double Magazine Pouch
Drop Leg Platform Black AM-DLP Compatible with all Amomax Holsters, Single or Double Magazine Pouch
Drop Leg Platform FDE Color AM-DLPF Compatible with all Amomax Holsters, Single or Double Magazine Pouch

제품 품질 기준

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