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COWCOW New Gen Hop-Up Chamber for Marui Hi-Capa / 1911 GBB Airsoft

$363 HKD


CCT new generation Hop-Up chamber was constructed by aluminum 7075 with CNC machined. Its lightweight design and redesigned structure can provide extra support to the lower part of chamber. Design drive a better accuracy and consistency with high durability and reliability which are double lock system on chamber. It can effectively hold the chamber to the frame tightly and lock the wheel on preset position to prevent loosens. Also it provides a detachable chamber pin used for guide rod (especially for 1911). This is the best suitable to ultimate user to optimize the chamber setting and maintain stability.

It is suitable for use with Tokyo Marui 1911, and Hi-Capa 4.3 / 5.1 and also both plastic / metal slides.

Highlighted Features

  • Aluminum 7075 material with CNC machined
  • Ultra lightweight design
  • Enhancing accuracy and consistency with high durability and reliability
  • Redesigned structure to provide extra support to lower part of chamber
  • Double lock system can lock your chamber on the frame tightly
  • Able for ultimate user to optimize setting and maintain stability
  • Detachable chamber pin used for guide rod especially for 1911

제품 품질 기준

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