TANAKA Python 4 Inch R-Model ( Ryo Saeba ) Heavy Weight Gas Airsoft
$2,284 HKD
TANAKA Python 4 Inch R-Model ( Ryo Saeba ) Heavy Weight Gas Airsoft 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
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City Hunter Official Collaboration
A miracle collaboration between the popular manga "City Hunter" and the toy gun maker "Tanaka Works" has been realized. "Colt Python 4inch R-model Heavy Weight (* 2) Gas Gun" equipped with "Pegasus System" (* 1), which is our specialty of "Colt Python" used by the main character, Ryo Saeba. The model has been upgraded to the base.
A miracle collaboration between the popular manga "City Hunter" and the toy gun maker "Tanaka Works" has been realized. "Colt Python 4inch R-model Heavy Weight (* 2) Gas Gun" equipped with "Pegasus System" (* 1), which is our specialty of "Colt Python" used by the main character, Ryo Saeba. The model has been upgraded to the base.
- Pegasus system
Tanaka Works' original gas gun mechanism that incorporates all the firing mechanism as a gas gun in the cylinder (magazine part) and reproduces the feeling as close as possible to the actual gun with other operating mechanisms. - Heavy weight
A metal called heavy weight resin kneaded into resin to give it a high specific gravity. Since there are many restrictions on making a pistol type toy gun from metal, this resin is used to achieve both realistic weight and coldness and hardness. - Silencer
A thing to attach to a firearm to suppress the firing sound and firing flame. In modern times, it is often called a "suppressor" and translated as a "silencer," but it is intentionally called a "silencer" based on the background of the times.
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