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CRUSADER  |  SKU: CR-KS31-0003

CRUSADER Steel Outer Barrel for KSC / KWA USP.45 Match GBB Airsoft

$267 HKD

  • Material: Steel
  • Suitable for KSC / KWA USP .45 Match

제품 품질 기준

에어소프트 업계에서는 제품이 100% 완벽할 수는 없고, 완벽하다는 것은 비현실적입니다. 제품의 기능이나 성능, 전체적인 외관에 영향을 미치지 않는 한, 제품 구성 요소의 미세한 흔들림, 떨림 또는 움직임, 미세한 긁힘, 찌그러짐 또는 변색도 표준 품질의 일부로 간주됩니다.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Perfect fit

Fits exactly the same as the stock barrel but the quality is much higher. Nice finish and weight.


Amazing high-quality, drop-in upgrade for the KWA USP Match. It fits perfectly with no modifications. The only downside is that it scratches the inside of the slide as it cycles and the fine metal powder it generates gets the slide to stick and not cycle anymore without proper cleaning. However, the barrel stays fine with very little scratches. Initially, I thought that it scratched from the slide cycling on top of it but, after I wiped it clean, it found that it was just metal dust, sanded from the inside of the slide.
It even comes with extra rubber rings for the slit towards the muzzle, very thoughtful addition.