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COWCOW B02 Blowback Housing Piston Head version for Marui Hi-Capa / 1911 GBB Airsoft

$290 HKD

Highlighted features:
  • 7075 Aluminum material with CNC machined
  • Ultra lightweight design
  • Durable construction prevents flexing and warping under hard use
  • Provide stable and smooth blowback cycling
  • Compatible with stock TM piston head and COWCOW piston head (CCT-TMHC-054)
  • Piston head is not included in the package
  • Available in Silver & Black
  • For TM Hi-CAPA / 1911 Series

B02 Blowback Housing is precision CNC machined from 7075 aluminum for ultimate durability and quality. Weighing in at just 18 grams, this blowback housing will improve the cycling action as well as gas tranmission.

The B02 Blowback Housing is compatible with Tokyo Marui Hi-CAPA / 1911 Series Airsoft GBB Pistols.

*PS: Please note: installing parts / assemble /fitting airsoft gun will need intermediate knowledge; for expert or airsoft gunsmith. Please refer to your airsoft gunsmith for proper installation / fitting. Fitting may be needed as the condition of each airsoft gun might be different. Regular maintenance is needed for all airsoft guns in order to keep it in good working condition and reduce wear out issue on parts. Socket set screw require low strength thread lock glue to set.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Very Good than Original

If anyone buys this item, you must buy the COWCOW Enhanced 13.7mm Piston Head for efficient use.



Nice piece very well made to use with the COWCOW Enhanced 13.7mm Piston Head and the original TM nozzle as the Guarder one. Better performance and kick.