PROMETHEUS 6.20mm Delta Stike Barrel ( 208mm ) for Marui G3 SAS
$273 HKD
PROMETHEUS 6.20mm Delta Stike Barrel ( 208mm ) for Marui G3 SAS 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
- DELTA HOP system uses an injection molded part, with 2 lower ridges aligns BB in the center of the inner barrel, forming a 3-point contact along with hop packing for greater consistency.
- Low friction material used with enlarged hop opening for better compatibility with high firing rate configuration
- 6.20±0.01 mm inner diameter allows greater BB inconsistency,reduces BB bouncing
Prometheus Straight Chamber Packing and required ( included with first batch )
Recommended to be used with Prometheus Hop Up Tensioner series ( available separately )
Muzzle velocity may drop after installation compared previous inner barrel
- Low friction material used with enlarged hop opening for better compatibility with high firing rate configuration
- 6.20±0.01 mm inner diameter allows greater BB inconsistency,reduces BB bouncing
Prometheus Straight Chamber Packing and required ( included with first batch )
Recommended to be used with Prometheus Hop Up Tensioner series ( available separately )
Muzzle velocity may drop after installation compared previous inner barrel
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