MODIFY-TECH TORUS Reinforced AEG Gearbox ( Ver. 2 / 7mm )
$445 HKD
MODIFY-TECH TORUS Reinforced AEG Gearbox ( Ver. 2 / 7mm ) 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
- Fluted gearbox outer surface for greater strength, weight reduction and faster heat dissipation.
- Unique internal and external geometry for reinforcing weak points of conventional Ver. 2 Gearbox.
- Dedicated tappet plate included to match gearbox internal geometry.
- Openings allow instant visual check of the internal parts and lubrication without disassembly.
- Oversize, high-torque screws ensure a secure fit and prevent loosening of gearbox and components.
제품 품질 기준
제품 품질 기준
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