MAGPUL DAKA® Lite Pouch ( Large )
MAGPUL DAKA® Lite Pouch ( Large ) - Black 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
The newest addition to our popular DAKA line, the Small Magpul DAKA Lite Pouch was designed to be lightweight and highly packable while retaining the strengths of our original DAKA pouches. Made from a lighter, more flexible nylon material, the DAKA Lite line is intended for use where you need flexibility and weight savings over a more structured storage solution.
The Small DAKA Lite Pouch is meant to carry everything from electronics to emergency equipment and is easily packed into larger storage containers like your day pack, hunting bag, or travel duffle. The versatile design makes the DAKA Lite Pouch perfect for backpacking, camping, biking, hunting, and lightweight vehicle organization. The RF welded seams of the 70D TPU-coated nylon keep the weight down without losing strength. The Magpul-embossed injection molded zipper-pull is easy to locate and manipulate, and carabiner attachment points make securing the pouch simple and effective. The DAKA Lite Pouch is essential equipment when saving weight is important to your success.
NEW, LIGHTER, MORE FLEXIBLE STORAGE MATERIAL- Lightweight and extremely packable
- Made from 70D TPU-coated nylon
- Strong RF welded construction that creates permanent, impenetrable seals
- Rugged, easy to open and close zipper
- Injection molded zipper-pull
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