GATE Blu-Link
GATE Blu-Link 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
Blu-Link allows for wireless management of your GATE ETU via GCS app for iOS, Android and later this year, also Windows / macOS. You can use iPhone, Android smartphone or a computer to control ASTER or TITAN and connect them with other compatible GATE devices, such as STATUS Gun-mounted Computer. Blu-Link perfectly expands GATE ETUs possibilities by equipping them with Bluetooth® 5.0 technology.
It also acts as an additional fuse and multifunctional wattmeter allowing for, e.g., reading telemetry data, which enables you to constantly monitor the AEG condition.
Key features
- Bluetooth® adapter – adds Bluetooth® function to TITAN and ASTER
- Wireless connection between GATE ETU and compatible GATE devices – enables connecting ASTER or TITAN with other elements of GATE ecosystem (e.g., future GATE STATUS)
- Compatibility with GCS app for iOS, Android and later this year, also Windows/macOS
- Option to switch between data transfer and firing mode from the app level
- Additional configurable smart fuse (UVP, SCP, OCP, OTP) – protects the battery in case of short circuiting wires between Blu-Link and TITAN or ASTER or other system failure. It provides under voltage, over current and over temperature protection
- Multifunctional wattmeter allowing for, e.g., reading telemetry data
- Conformal coating (Military Specification MIL-V-173C)
- Designed to consume very little power
- Full mobility – no cables needed to connect with the GCS app and forthcoming STATUS
- In the data transfer mode, it allows for programming, changing settings and updating TITAN and ASTER firmware via GCS app
- Can be plugged between the ETU and the battery through entire skirmish – no need to detach the battery for configuration or checking the Statistics (contrary to the USB-Link)
GATE Control Station™ app
Together with the GCS, you can adjust TITAN or ASTER settings and update or upgrade their firmware from devices with Android, iOS and since fall 2020, also Windows or macOS. The GCS offers you the option to:
- control your airsoft gun
- simply adjust GATE ETU settings
- update and upgrade firmware
- see the BB counters and measurements statistics
- perform diagnostics and send reports
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