GATE ASTER V2 SE EXPERT with Quantum Trigger
GATE ASTER V2 SE EXPERT with Quantum Trigger - Front Wried 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
ASTER V2 raises the price-performance ratio by including a Quantum Trigger in the set and new functions programmable via trigger. Now, out-of-the-box, you can set sensitivity from ludicrous touch through hair to full movement. Improved programming via trigger gives you new settings such as automatic Pre-Cocking (LOW, MID, HIGH), trigger sensitivity adjustment, Active Brake settings with top-class adaptive mode and the new SAFE-SEMI-BINARY selector mode. Calibration, DTC codes—all available just via trigger and selector movement. Additionally, you get the new noise-resistant trigger detection algorithm. ASTER's smart fuse protects your AEG’s battery, motor, and the controller, even in the case of reverse battery connection. This feature, along with the optical sensors, makes ASTER V2 one of the most durable ETUs on the market. ASTER V2 is not just a regular ETU/EFCS mosfet. It is a complex system that turns your AEG into future-proof advanced training equipment.
- Supply Voltage Range : 3.75-12.9 V
- Current Consumption : 23 mA
- Low Power Mode : 288 µA
- Dimensions (Length x Width x Height) : 43.8 mm x 28.7 mm x 7.2 mm
- Finished Product Weight : 22.25 g
- Operating Temperature Range : min. -15°C max. + 50°C
- Relative Humidity : ≤ 80%
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