AMOMAX Universal Double Magazine Pouch
AMOMAX Universal Double Magazine Pouch - Black 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
Amomax universal double magazine pouch offers 3 adjustable points to keep a consistent tight. It is designed to make the adjustment half the time now. Tension adjustment can be made in a tool-free way instead of Allen Key.
To adjust tension, simply loosen or tighten the screw, then adjust the components on both sides, which helps to save more time for precision shooting.
Available in 5 carrying ways for the spare magazines, the universal double magazine pouch is proper fit in shooting sports, tactical usage, personal defense, etc.
Universal Double Magazine Pouch Fit Chart
Pistol Manufacturer | Pistol Model |
Glock | G17, G17L, G19, G19X, G26, G34, G43, G43X, G45, G48, G22, G23, G24, G27, G35, G21, G30, G30S, G36, G41 |
Smith & Wesson | M&P 9 Shield M2.0, M&P 9 M2.0, M&P 40 Shield M2.0 M&P 40 M2.0, M&P 45 Shield M2.0, M&P 45 M2.0 |
Springfield Armory | XD Series, XD-M Series 9mm / .40 / .45, XD-S Series, XD-E Series, 1911 |
Ruger | EC9s, LC9s, SECURITY-9, Ruger American Pistol, 1911 |
Sig Sauer | P938, P229, P320, P210, P365, P226, P220, P225, SP2022, 1911 |
Colt | Defender Series, Commander Series, 1911 Classic, S70 Government, Competition Series 9mm / .45, Gold Cup Series 9mm / .45, Rail Gun Series, Combat Elite Series 9mm / .45, Combat Unit Series, Wiley Clapp Series |
Beretta | APX Models, M9 Models, Px4 Storm Models, 92 Models |
Taurus | TH9 Models, TH40 Models, G2s Models, G2c Models, 92 Models, Taurus 1911 Models |
Walther | PPQ 45, PPQ M2, PPQ Classic, P99, PPS, PPS M2 |
CZ | P-07, P-09, P-10 C, P-10 F, 75 Compact, P-01, 75 SP-01, Shadow 2, 75 B, 97 B |
Heckler & Koch | USP, VP9, VP40, P30SK, HK45, P30, P30L, P2000, MARK 23 |
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