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T-N.T.  |  貨號: TNT-TLRUB-GBB-50

T-N.T. TL-HOP Bucking for GBB ( 2 Pieces Set )

$127 HKD

Model: GBB

Based on H.L.R. rubber, unlike most "rectangular" pressure zone designs, TNT followed the design of the arcuate pressure zone "from front to back, from left to right", which eases the angle of stress and release. . It is beneficial to improve ballistic stability and is suitable for low muzzle velocity pistols or competition short guns.

Recommended equipment: 0.12g0.32g BBs

※GBB specifications: This product is a regular version and can be assembled with precision inner barrels and hop-up chambers with the same specifications as the original MARUI (general specifications).





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