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UMAREX / VFC MP5A5 Gen.2 GBB 에어 소프트 건

UMAREX Warnings ! This product for sale in Asia only
$3,360 HKD

Umarex / VFC의 최신 2 세대 MP5A5 GBB 에어 소프트 건, Umarex가 H & K 상표로 라이센스 한

개폐식 스톡, 새롭게 설계 및 강화된 MP5 볼트 그룹이 있는 스틸 스탬프 및 용접 수신기는 강한 반동을 나타내며 2세대에는 새로 설계된 빈 탄창 정지 기능과 3발 버스트 기능이 있어 실제 느낌을 크게 향상시키고 당신을 사랑하게 될 것입니다. 그것!


  • 탄창 용량 : 30발 ( 6mm BB )
  • 길이 : 490-647 mm
  • 배럴 길이 : mm
  • 내부 배럴 길이 : 280mm
  • 무게 : g
  • 총구 속도 : 380 fps ( 0.2g BB탄 )
  • 시스템 : 가스 블로우백
  • 발사 모드 : 반자동 / 3발 연사 / 완전 자동
  • 홉업 : 조정 가능
  • 패키지 포함 : 총, 매거진, BB 로더, 설명서

MP5A5 GBB 부품 목록

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Customer Reviews

Based on 10 reviews
Great Gun Fast shipping

I used to own a WE tech Apache and didn't really like it that much. But when I tested out the VFC model I was blown away by its performance. When in 70 degrees Fahrenheit, I was able to get a little more than 3 mags worth of shots on full auto with very little cool down on swiss arms 130 psi green gas. And it also performed surprisingly well in 40-degree weather and was able to go through about 1 1/2 mags before cool down started happening. Different green gasses will perform to varying degrees so your mileage may vary but compared to even my other vfc gbbrs this was definitely one of the best. I have heard complaints about the cocking support tube having durability issues, but I've been slapping away at it with very little issue. My only concern in that regard is that there is some forward and backward play on the tube when in the forward position which might cause unnecessary wear on the gun I might try to make a spacer to eliminate that issue before it becomes a problem. Other than that and an only okay trigger pull this is one of the best gbbrs I've ever gotten and would highly recommend for anyone looking for great performance combined with great realism.




UMAREX / VFC MP5A5 Gen.2 GBB Airsoft ( Batch - May 2024 )

Delivery is good.

I was disappointed to find a hole in the sheet metal of the receiver. I liked the delivery. It would have been nice if you had checked and sent it to me.

VGs mp5

Good build but front sight was not straight and is a pain to get the screw out to fix

Mp5a5 gbb from Taiwan to the UK!!

Nothing but 5 star service ...
People in the airsoft community in the UK advised me not to but from so far over sea's!! But not 1 of 100's of stockists in the UK could get me the eleat force mp5.
So I took a chance and it payed off big time!! Thank you for your swift and friendly service!!!! I will be using this shop alot moor in the future 🙏🙏🙏