PTS Low Profile QD Sling Swivel - S
$85 HKD
PTS Low Profile QD Sling Swivel - S 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
SKU: PT175490307
The PTS Low Profile QD Sling Swivel - S which is similar to PTS Low Profile QD Sling Swivel. The D loop on type S is moved a bit downward for providing more space and slimmer size while you need to attach with a limited space. The D loop on type S for a hooktype attachment and can withstand strong pulling forces in all directions. Made of a strong steel alloy, the swivel has been tested to withstand up to 300kg of load. The QD sling swivel also features a recessed button, a design feature first seen on the PTS ESP-M2, which prevents accidental activation.
Approx. weight per unit : 20.5 grams
The PTS Low Profile QD Sling Swivel - S which is similar to PTS Low Profile QD Sling Swivel. The D loop on type S is moved a bit downward for providing more space and slimmer size while you need to attach with a limited space. The D loop on type S for a hooktype attachment and can withstand strong pulling forces in all directions. Made of a strong steel alloy, the swivel has been tested to withstand up to 300kg of load. The QD sling swivel also features a recessed button, a design feature first seen on the PTS ESP-M2, which prevents accidental activation.
Approx. weight per unit : 20.5 grams
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