TOKYO MARUI AA-12 Electic Airsoft
TOKYO MARUI AA-12 Electic Airsoft 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
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- This shotgun cannot be upgraded/downgraded! ! ! Be careful before placing an order! ! !
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History of Firearms AA12
In 1987, Max Atchisson sold the rights of the AA-12 to Jerry Baber of Military Police Systems, Inc., Piney Flats, Tennessee. MPS in turn developed the successor simply known as Auto Assault-12, which was redesigned over a period of 18 years with 188 changes and improvements to the original blueprint, modifications included changing the AA-12 from blowback- to gas-operated with a locked breech. "When the bolt flies back after firing to cycle another round, around 80% of what would normally be felt as recoil is absorbed by a proprietary gas system. A recoil spring grabs another 10%, leaving the final recoil a remarkable 10% of the normal recoil for a 12-gauge round—so you can point the AA-12 at a target and unload the full magazine without significant loss of accuracy". MPS also teamed up with Action Manufacturing Company, and Special Cartridge Company to combine the gun with FRAG-12 High-Explosive ammunition into a multifunction weapon system.
The weapon was lightened to 4.76 kg (10.5 lb) and shortened to 966 mm (38.0 in) but retained the same barrel length. The CQB model has a 13-inch barrel, and is half a pound lighter than the regular model. Uncommon in other automatic shotguns, the AA-12 fires from an open bolt, a feature more commonly found in submachine guns, as well as heavy and squad level machine guns. It uses 8-round box, 20-round drum, or 32-round drum magazines, as opposed to the original 5-round box magazine. Due to the abundant use of stainless steel and the designed clearance for fouling, MPS has claimed that the weapon requires little to no cleaning or lubrication. The designer states that cleaning is required after 10,000 rounds.
Designer : Maxwell Atchisson
Designed : Original design: 1972 / MPS design: 2005
Built Material : Metal Inner Frame / Synthetic Resin Exterior
Gear Box Type : 3 Cylinder Mechanism Box
Magazine Capacity : 93 Rds ( 6mm )
Inner Barrel Length : 300 mm
Overall Length : 839 mm
Weight without Packing : 4200 g
Muzzle Velocity : - FPS with 0.2g BB
Battery Type : Mini Type
Package Includes : AEG, Magazine, Manuals
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