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LCT  |  SKU: LCT-PK-362

LCT SL-Torque Motor Slim LCK104 Slim Pistol Grip for LCT AK AEG Series

$752 HKD


LCT SL-Torque Motor Slim LCK104 Slim Pistol Grip for LCT AK AEG Series - Bakelite 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.

Slime Type SL-Torque Motor with Slim Pistol Grip ( PK349 / PK362 / PK363 )
  • Alloy construction Motor
  • Replace original part
  • Upgrade your AEG to have better preformance
  • Short Shaft Motor
  • 8.4V DC 26500rpm
  • product include LCK104 Slim Pistol Grip
  • Color: Bakelite - PK362 / Dark Red - PK363 / Black - PK349
For LCT various designs AK AEG series, EXCEPT VSS / AS VAL / SR-3 / SR-3M / PKP / RPD / LCK-12 / LCK-15 / LCK-16 / LCK-47 / LCK-47S

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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews

For real ak lovers

I recommend it!

Very quick shipping to italy, the product is fine, i mounted it on my E&L ak74 work very well, the motor is very fast with 7.4 lipo, i tried with 11.1 and is amazing faster. thanks very much WGC!!!

Worth it.

It may seem like a small detail, but it really gives you a more realistic feeling. Also, installing it is easy.

LCT SL-Torque Motor

Getting it installed can be tricky for the less than technically inclined, but once you get it installed properly, it's like night and day. Trigger response is faster than stock, and it feels like 2 pounds have just disappeared off the AK, which is a real gamechanger with heavier rifles as AKs tend to be.