GATE TITAN V2 NGPS Advanced Set ( Front Wired )
GATE TITAN V2 NGPS Advanced Set ( Front Wired ) 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
Suitable for Marui Next Gen M4 / HK416 / HK417 / SCAR series
Transform your Tokyo Marui Next Generation AEG into an advanced training weapon system. Adjust your weapon and check the Statistics using USB-Link and GATE Control Station app for PC, MAC and Android devices. TITAN V2 NGRS has the whole new trigger sensor, which allows to set hair trigger with ludicrous precision: at least 50 sensitivity levels for first millimeter of trigger movement. The innovative 3rd generation trigger sensor offers you even 420 possible sensitivity settings. Gain a unique tactical advantage thanks to the extremely fast trigger response and lots of other useful functions. Boost your AEG with computerized technology. Give your AEG a new lease of life!
Kit contents:
- TITAN V2 Drop-in Module w/ ADVANCED Firmware
- USB-Link for GATE Control Station‰̣ۡå¢ App
- Installation Kit
- Quickstart Guide
Design features:
- Third generation high precision trigger sensor allows multi stage trigger functions
- Dual gear sensor and bolt catch sensor compatibile with Tokyo Marui V2 Next Gen System
- Advanaced Optical sensors to avoid mechanical failures
- Configured with GATE Control Station app for Android, Windows and macOS
- Ability to update firmware via internet
- 3 Firing modes
- Trigger sensity adjustment
- Cycle detection
- 3 round burst
- Full burst mode
- Battery protection
- Low battery warning
- AUG mode
- Diagnostic
- Firmware update
- 3 additional firing modes ( total 6 )
- 2/3/4/5/8/10 round burst
- Full / Trigger burst modes
- Pre-Cocking
- ROF control
- Sniper delay
- Equalizrt
- Statistics & Rankings
제품 품질 기준
제품 품질 기준
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