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TOKYO MARUI MP7A1 Electric Airsoft ( AEG )

$1,632 HKD

  • 20mm Rails on top and both sides, suitable for mounting accessories
  • Removable Folding KSK Style Sights
  • Folder Vertical Foregrip
  • Retractable Stock
  • New Type Safety Swity Switch, disconnects battery when in "Safe" mode ( Installation of battery can only be done in "Safe" mode )
  • Hop Adjust Dial in Ejection Port like ordinary AEGs
Gear Box - /
Motor - /
Magazine - 50 Rounds
Length - 380mm / 590mm
Barrel Length - 182mm
Weight - 1390g
Muzzle Velocity: 250-260FPS ( with 0.2g BB bullet )
Fire Mode : Semi Auto / Full Auto / Safety
Hop-up: Adjustable
Battery - 7.2V 500mAh Micro Battery EX ( Not Included )
Package Includes - Gun, Magazine, 14mm Anti-Clockwise Adapter

제품 품질 기준

에어소프트 업계에서는 제품이 100% 완벽할 수는 없고, 완벽하다는 것은 비현실적입니다. 제품의 기능이나 성능, 전체적인 외관에 영향을 미치지 않는 한, 제품 구성 요소의 미세한 흔들림, 떨림 또는 움직임, 미세한 긁힘, 찌그러짐 또는 변색도 표준 품질의 일부로 간주됩니다.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

TOKYO MARUI MP7A1 Electric Airsoft ( AEG )


Amazing deal


The TM MP7 aeg is ok for just playing around with your friends but on the field its really bad. The low fps of 250 makes it hars for people to feel the bb hitting them at mid range and the plastic body breaks easily. Just get the gas blowback version. Its much better.


The marui mp7 is an attractive SMG because of its small size, its relatively low price, and its unique specs

Just holding the gun is a blast. Chosing from flip up or 3-dot sights, grip or not...
It is an interesting gun to learn to know, and is hard to grow tired of

Its performance is actually quite good, considering the small powered


The TM MP7 AEP is another one of Tokyo Marui's great innovations. TM has managed to downsize an AEG gearbox to fit this SMG. This allows it to still be able to perform and compete with the bigger AEG's. Complete with all it's ergonomic features, it has the rail system, pistol and/or rifle sight, retractable buttstock and a forward grip. It's a gun with versatility. Being so small with it's shrunken internals, it still is able to fire a BB with enough power. The long inner barrel also makes this gun pretty accurate at mid ranges. Even with its 7.2 v battery, the rate of fire is even nice. The MP7 also gives you magazine options, ranging from it's short type mag to a long type and even hi-caps! It definatly makes a sidearm of choice for any user, and makes great alternatives to gas variants. The MP7 is also fairly attractive in its looks. I really recomend this gun for any airsofter. You won't be disapointed.