COWCOW AAP-01 150% Recoil Spring
COWCOW AAP-01 150% Recoil Spring 이 백오더 / 프리오더 상태이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.
픽업 가능 여부를 로드할 수 없습니다.
AAP01 Recoil Spring is made of high strength spring steel. Its short length design with 2 different tensioned coil zone can enhance the efficiency of recoil cycling. Also it can improve the recoil control and make easier handling on blow back cycling.
For Action Army AAP01
**Important Notice**
It may has a condition that your pistol cannot feed the BB bullet due to lightweight gas supply. You just simple remove a spacer to solve the issue. Alternatively, you may consult your gunsmith for advancing fitting to solve this issue as well.
Increasing in FPS can be achieved; however, it may require other parts to collaborate and advanced skill is needed. improper installation / fitting can shorten the life of the product.
*PS: Please note: installing parts / assemble /fitting airsoft gun will need intermediate knowledge; for expert or airsoft gunsmith. Please refer to your airsoft gunsmith for proper installation / fitting. Fitting may be needed as the condition of each airsoft gun might be different. Regular maintenance is needed for all airsoft guns in order to keep it in good working condition and reduce wear out issue on parts. The actual performance is based on the overall setting on your airsoft gun. Please consult your airsoft gunsmith for advising. Strong Screw glue is needed for installation. Use a drop of screw glue when installing the screw and wait for it to dry out overnight. Damage could be caused to the screw thread if screw glue was not used.
제품 품질 기준
제품 품질 기준
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