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GATE Warfet Power Module ( Ver 1.1 )

$490 HKD



  • User-friendly configuration via the Tactical Programming Card
  • Sturdy and super-small size WARFET Power Module
  • Compatibility with the strongest AEG replicas and batteries (ready to work with LiPo 14.8V, 5000 mAh, 60C)
  • Tested with car batteries
  • Super-easy installation - thanks to the Mini Tamiya adapters, you can connect WARFET to the original (stock) wiring
  • It can work with most built-in MOSFETs
  • With stock wiring, WARFET reduces melting switch assemblies
  • In hardwired installation, WARFET draws the energy from the battery directly to the motor, bypassing the mechanical trigger contacts
  • Resistant to atmospheric conditions (military specifications: MIL-V-173C)
  • Deep-drain protection for 7.4V, 11.1V, 14.8V LiPoly and 9.6V, 12.8V LiFePO4
  • Improves battery life, ROF, spring life and gearbox reliability

WARFET Power Module parameters:

  • Wide range of supply voltage: 3-17V
  • Protection against short-circuits: up to 1000A
  • Incredibly low current consumption on stand-by: 0,2mA
  • Ultra-low resistance: 2m‰̣ۡ_
  • Dimensions: 56x20x9mm
  • Weight: 9,4g

Key Functions:

  • Pre-Cocking - Spring compressions prior each shot for improved trigger response
  • Plug & Play - Super easey installation with no soldering required
  • Hardwired Mode - Hardwired installation ( soldering and re-wiring required ) to enjoy full MOSFET benefits, bypassing mechanical trigger switch.
  • Programmable Burst - User selectable 1-5 rounds burst mode for use in SEMI or AUTO mode. ( SEMI-Burst in hardwire mode only )
  • 3-Round Burst - 3 rounds burst mode for use in SEMI or AUTO mode. 1 or 2 rounds bursts can be done with early trigger release in AUTO-Burst mode. ( SEMI-Burst in hardwire mode only )
  • Configurable Selector - SEMI/AUTO or SEMI/BURST in PnP mode, SEMI/AUTO, SEMI/BURST, BURST/AUTO in hardwire mode.
  • ROF control - Reduce ROF when strong battery pack is used
  • Smart Trigger - Mircro processor controlled ROF, the first shots in auto/burst trigger pulls are fired in 100% speed, then programmed ROF in following shots, allows even faster trigger response
  • Battery Protection - Monitors battery voltage, stops firing when voltage drops to a critial level, prevents over discharge of lithium based batteries
  • Smart Fuse - Monitors current/voltage/temperature, prevents overloading and damage of motor and electronic components in the events of jamming or short circuit
  • Electronic Fuse - Thermal protection works in tandem with a time lag fuse for maximum protection
  • Active Brake - Immediately stops motor after shooting cycle to prevent over-spinning and unnecessary mechanical stress.
  • Active Brake On/Off function - User selectable active brake function, can be disabled to improve motor lifespan
  • 3rd Gen MOSFET - The advent of modern transistors and microcontroller. Directs energy dirrectly to the motor, bypassing mechanical trigger switch.
  • Debouncing - Provides full compatibility with the micro-switches. It ensures full resistance to contact bounce (vibration). You gain a bigger ROF, a faster trigger response and your MOSFET is less prone to overheating.
  • Built-in self testing - It allows you to quickly check whether the AEG Controller works properly. If you have problems with your AEG, the BUILT-IN SELF-TEST allows you to check that the problem is not caused by the Controller.
  • Dark Mode- Allows you to turn off the green LED which lights up when a gun is firing. This function is especially useful during night games.
  • Coating - Thanks to its special conformal coating, it is resistant to atmospheric conditions (Military Specification MIL-V-173C).
  • 14.8V Li-Po Ready - The system can be used with batteries up to 14.8V LI-PO. Minimum operating voltage is 3V and maximum voltage is 17V.å_„«





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